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Sunday, October 25, 2009
be my remedy

the sad the sad the sad truth
this vicious cycle is seriously getting into me
i seriously needa pray for a miracle
nothing seems to cure anything
the sad truth
i wish i could just drop everything
and run never stop
never turning back
never feeling tired
it never gets more sad then this
i can hardly control
i dread tues i used to love them
ohwellll maybe i just dread even doing anything starting with c
whats up with me
whats up with u

2:00 AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
one day over im back

it might be a vicious cycle
suddenly i had that gush of hope
yst was bleak
woke up feeling bleak
but now suddenly
i dont care anymore
like i dont feel like telling him
cause whats the point
going back to aquare one
where we were in may aint what i want
i just want to tell u how i feel
but is that even important
if hmmm u have moved on
and if i dont want to get hurt again
so i just leave with it now
and time will heal
time can get over
but nah next week the same story might happen
99% happen true
might at least for yst i only suffered for
0ne day
cause im backkkkk

6:29 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009

to the woman i love most
to the woman who i know i loves me most too
to the woman who bore me
to the woman who took care of me
to the woman who understood me
to the woman who took me for who iam
to the woman who will never ever give up on me
to the woman i hurt sometimes
to the woman who is the prettiest of all

to my mum the one and only
i love you forever and ever
its your birthday
and i will spend every birthday with you
just like how u will spend mine with me

2days ago i learnt prob a lesson i will nvr forgot
and realised the greatest of all is

10:32 AM

the nostalgic feeling keeps coming back haha
i miss ltc.its totally rocking my socks.
i have no idea why.hopefully can get to see them nextwk
steamboat that we craved for haha!! and we still thought
that pot was ours!!
ok hmmm since i cant sleep i shall just rant abt whats on my mind
miss the ipoh times causeee
i didnt even rmb the date
didnt rmb the time
just did whatever we were told
just ate when we had to
and allll
maybe the only thing i could really rmb was
i was freaking cold in the morning
cause the temp is brrrr cold
and the bathing water is super cold too
it freezes my brain
and then theres my crazy bunch of grp mates
ryan who loves to tease me and always make that zeck sound
and that blowing joke gosh and who came at 7.30am
thinking he was early and he is in cycling club!
and the list goes on kinda lazy to type everything
ok but its just fun to the bomb with them
i laugh like no ones business
and its just so freee
gosh dont know how to explain
but just miss them alot
and esp the shopping trip in ipoh town
we went to and fro pasa malem and shopping centre so many times
and raining somemore but what a thrill man
and the 5sec traffic light joke of the century ok
hmmm but i realised something
i still thought of you
aiyohhh during bowling!!
yes i bowled after dont know how long
and i enjoy bowling
and haha ofcourse the crazy company
and how we felt so super hungry
we bowled so fast so that we could eat
and we had like 1 of the best bowls of hor fun ever
and we went back to the rm at 1am plus to realise we got locked out of our rooms
our keys were with us
but okkk thats just hilarious
and my room was so freaking cold
our teeths chatted non-stop
and we cant even adjust the temp!!
but i still slept like a log cause
im those once on bed
i fall alseep in an instant
i still
cant sleep
are you back yet i wonder
aiyohhhh its all abt you huh!
ok bye before i type non-stop

10:12 AM

Friday, October 9, 2009
what makes me love you?

i love boarding the bus
cause i get to see the indian driver
that smiles and says good morning to u and everyone
and makes ur day very happy yet catching u off guard
and he offs the aircon when its freaking cold

i love eating the steamboat because it makes
me so freaking happy boiling everything and its so shiok
and it reminds of the lasttime ur friends came over for steamboat
and u asked me what should u buy and that was the day u told her too
i wonder what happened! anyway i would go eat that steamboat whenever im sad
cause it makes me like a kid making me happy

i loved fame/enjoyed it much with chee yi wei
and when marco played the piano as it reminded me of that time
u played it for me for over a minute over the phone and u asked me whether
it was good haha i didnt know what that piece was soooo haha
but at least i heard u play
though its only once good enough for me at least!

i love having phone calls with u once again cause it brings bk memories
yeah though idk what should i do cause somehow i know things are different
and actually sometimes i dont know just who are you yeah
but whatever it is i still enjoy ur company and forever will cause
u are just that very special friend

im slowly getting it slowly enjoying it
slowly making progress slowly doing it

and slowly being back to me
the me that i knew the me that was me
i happy cause hurt and tears no longer belong in my dictionary
only lovely memories thats of the past
hold it dearly and continue to live

6:07 PM

Thursday, October 8, 2009
ipoh baby

heyyy im back from ipoh back from ltc
and am right back to face reality haha
but all is greattt hehehe!!

the ohmygosh drama!
the skipping 17 times shocked all of us
washing plates cups and what nots using a hose
all the insects killing and screams hehe
lizard drama
getting crazy at the accessorize shop
eating 1rm icecream and buying alottttt
we are group tree!
blowing drama
walking out at 1am to grab cupnoodles
heading to the pasa malam and back to parklane manytimes
bought patrickkkk
AnWWWWW curly fries
whopper jr!
superduper coldd nights
sleeping bag to the rescue
packing all shorts!!
my small bagpack drama
ipoh hofun+ chicken+tauge+longan
koropokk feast
water rafting boomboom jumpjump
lovely rides in the lorry
water apsailing
shopping like crazy

thats sums up my adventure
pockets of stuff that makes me beam
and continue to be happy cause these people make it so

have caught up with many people
some unexpected random out of the blue
but i likeeee cause random is what we like
surprises in the mundane
10 more days before i get to see ur face
dk why not missing much
but just wanna see how u look like!!
1 more week to enjoyy
before its hardcore nerd mood for beth
comeon whooohoo

4:20 AM

hey there i'm bethleen.

in the wondering world i will continue to explore and although it will suck me dry i will beam no matter what.

yanling ee tiean siew teng keira cheng wen yusri jing yuan sophia hidayat


June 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
March 2011

Layout: thevintagecircus
Basecodes: Eclair-x
Pictures: Deviant Art
Headers: stinkyy's say goodbye!.

Please do not remove the credits!thanks